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Veterinary Services

Puppy & Kitten Care

See below to learn more about Legacy Animal Hospital’s puppy & kitten care!

Pet Puppy & Kitten Care in Henderson, NV

Our puppy and kitten wellness programs are designed to offer your new pet all the benefits of our comprehensive veterinary services. Our veterinary staff recommends starting your new puppy or kitten on our wellness program from 6 weeks to 16 weeks of age. Included in our pet wellness packages are a series of examinations performed by our veterinarians to ensure your puppy or kitten is developing at a normal and healthy rate. We bring modern medicine to you and your pet with a gentle touch. We want to provide you with a warm, comfortable atmosphere so during stressful times when your pet is ill, you know you are in a place you can trust and feel at home.

pet vaccinations

Your pet depends on your protection in many ways. The common things they need are shelter, food, water, exercise and love. However, diseases spread by other animals are an ever-present threat to the health of your pet. Vaccines to protect your dog from diseases such as rabies, distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis, leptospirosis and kennel cough are an important protection for your dog. Vaccines are important for both inside and outside cats to protect them against rabies, feline leukemia, calicivirus, chlamydia and panleukopenia which are transmitted by saliva, mucus and other secretions of acutely ill cats. Our veterinarians will begin a series of vaccinations including rabies, distemper, parvovirus, and parasite prevention. Legacy Animal Hospital is built on providing the best care possible with the kindest attitude. 

pet microchips

Every day a beloved family pet is lost. Tragically, most never make it back home because their owners didn’t identify them. The MicroChip is the professional way to identify your pet and is proven safe and effective. In addition to microchipping your pet, we also register your pet’s microchip at no additional cost. A small chip, the size of a rice grain, is injected under the skin of your pet. The procedure is very safe, very similar to getting a vaccination. The chip is encoded with a unique I.D. number that is registered to you. If your pet ever gets lost and is brought to an animal shelter or clinic, they are scanned to see if they have a microchip.

Spay & Neuter

Surgery can be a touchy subject for pet owners, especially when their companion is still in their puppy or kitten stage. However, spay and neuter surgeries are an important part of keeping pets healthy. Spay and neuter surgeries are some of the most frequently performed procedures in veterinary medicine. Not only do they prevent unwanted pregnancies, but they also prevent a number of problematic health and behavioral issues.

The Benefits of Spay and Neuter Surgery
Male and female cats and dogs can all benefit in the long term from being spayed or neutered. Some of the health and behavioral issues eliminated by this procedure include:

  • Eliminates the heat cycle and spotting in females
  • Reduces the risk of mammary tumors in females
  • Prevents uterine infections and cancers in females
  • Reduces roaming tendencies in males and females
  • Reduces aggressive behavior in males
  • Eliminates or reduces mounting and marking/spray behaviors in males
  • Prevents testicular tumors in males
  • Reduces the risk of prostate problems in males

Spaying and Neutering Reduces Overpopulation
Some owners are initially uncomfortable with the idea of taking away their pet’s ability to breed. However, spaying and neutering is not only a healthier option, but it also helps other animals stand a chance at adoption. Most unplanned pet pregnancies result in puppies or kittens whose owners are unwilling or unable to care for them. These animals usually end up in shelters or on the street as strays. In fact, the ASPCA estimates that approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. pet shelters each year. Sadly, a large number of these pets will never find a forever home. By preventing your pets from unexpectedly breeding, you can reduce the number of pets going into shelters, thereby increasing the odds of adoption for current shelter residents.